Daar Abdullah Ibn Masud is a Maktob and an Arabic Language centre in Carlingford. Recently we have moved our centre to new address at 7 Mobbs Lane, Carlingford. This is a commercial place in the ground floor; the entry to the Maktob is from the front and the back. Women should use the front entrance.

Its researched and found that establishment of Makatib ( schools attached to Masajid in Arab countries in the seventh and eighth centuries) played a very important role to preserve and spread our original Deen in its pure and pristine form. It helped the Muslim community to maintain Islamic identity for many generations. Our aim is the same to spread true Islamic knowledge using the traditional Sunnah way with the help of our local Ulama. Our first step is to educate the community about proper Quran recitation and basic Islamic knowledge based on any of the four Madhabs.

Al hamdullah, our centre is registered as an Incorporated Association in New South Wales. View our certificate.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:  Islam began as a stranger and soon Islam will revert back just like how it started. So glad tidings to the strangers those who correct my Sunnah, which people have corrupted after me.
بَدَأَ الإِسْلاَمُ غَرِيبًا وَسَيَعُودُ كَمَا بَدَأَ غَرِيبًا فَطُوبَى لِلْغُرَبَاءِ الَّذِينَ يُصْلِحُونَ مَا أَفْسَدَ النَّاسُ مِنْ بَعْدِي مِنْ سُنَّتِي (الجامع الترمذي)

We are run various programs on: Quran Tajweed, basic Arabic language and junior Hanafi Fiqh.

Quran class: Monday & Friday
Advanced Tajweed, Makhaarij, Sifat
Partime memorization
Noorani Qaida/Iqra book
Basic Arabic writing & numbers

Junior Hanafi Fiqh: Sunday
Junior Fiqh - Istinja,Wudu,Salah etc.(Jamiatul Ulama-Talimi Board,South Africa)
Musnoon duas.(Jamiatul Ulama-Talimi Board,South Africa)
Essential Pratical Sunnahs.(Jamiatul Ulama-Talimi Board,South Africa)

Arabic language: Sunday
Basic Arabic Nahu
Arabic reading & writing
Basic Arabic speaking: al Arabiya baina yadaik

We are located in 7 Mobbs Lane, Carlingford, NSW 2118. There are plenty of parkings at the front of the centre; We can park in side streets as well but make sure not to block driveways of neighbours.

We request local brothers to donate generouly for sake of Allah. In sha Allah your donation will greatly help us to meet the Maktab expenses eg. Jumua hall hiring, Quran classes, rent and other utility costs.


إِنَّ الصَّدَقَةَ لَتُطْفِئُ غَضَبَ الرَّبِّ وَتَدْفَعُ مِيتَةَ السُّوءِ

BSB no: 062141
Account no: 10547430

ABN PayID (no surchanges)
68 673 045 395

Or Donate by Paypal

Or Be a Regular Donor

We run our Jumua in the following Scout Halls:

Jummah Salah @ Carlingford Scout Hall:

Jummah Salah @ Eastwood Scout Hall:

  • Session starts: 1:30pm (approx)
  • Venue: 1st Brush Park Scout Hall(4 Lawson St, Eastwood)
  • Plenty of free parking on premises and streets as well. 1 men’s toilet, wheel chair access, 1 disable toillet, 1 women’s toilet along with shower area. Segregated area for ladies.

Taraweeh Salah @ Musalla:

  • 20 rakats, full khatma Quran.
  • Immediately aftr Isha
  • Ramadan dates based on local moonsighting.

We have a small Islamic library in our Maktab. Our Quran students and regular Musalli brothers can borrow books for home for free.

All of our books are verified by our Scholars in Sydney and they are purchased from reputatable publishers.

Borrowing procedure is very simple: write your name, mobile number and title of the book in the borrowing log sheet provided in the centre.

Below is our few of most important books list. Islamic Books

In order to access our resources, please login to Maktab portal.

Quran related
Aarabic Alphabets writing practice
Arabic Numbers Writing practice
Quran for Beginners
video of حرف الجوف
video of حرف الحلق
video of حرف اللسان
video of حرف الشفتان و الخيشوم
Tajweed al Musaweer
Tajweed rules
Sifaat rules
Makhaarij Map
Listen to Quran recitation
Practice with renown Qari

Arabic Language
Basic Arabic Nahu
Madina Books - Arabic with English Key & Solutions Book 1
Madina Books - Arabic with English Key & Solutions Book 2
Madina Books - Arabic with English Key & Solutions Book 3 part 1 & 2
Madina Books - Arabic Solutions 1
Madina Books - Arabic Solutions 2
Madina Books - Arabic Solutions 3
Al Arabiya Baina yadaik 1A
Al Arabiya Baina yadaik 1B

Junior Hanafi Fiqh
Tasheelul Fiqh: South Africa syllabus
Tasheelul Aqaaid: South Africa syllabus
Tasheelul Akhlaq: South Africa syllabus
Essential Masnoon duas
Essential Pratical Sunnah